The copy below is from the About page of

Lopez Rocks is a community website for and by Lopez Island. Its purpose is to provide a forum for communication and interaction between residents of Lopez Island and of the San Juan Islands in general as well as organizations serving the San Juan Islands on subject matters of interest to the islands.
There is no charge for using the website but it is necessary to register your email address with a password if you want to post items or send messages to other users. A few resource-demanding services (picture and file attachments, and emailing of the newsletter) are limited to accounts which have made at least a modest donation towards the development, operation, and maintenance of the service.
LopezRocks has been developed and is maintained by SalishRocks Web Design as a community and not-for-profit service. Its availability is a result of considerable development effort and its ongoing operation requires constant development, support and maintenance. Your support to help cover the costs of the system via a donation is encouraged and highly appreciated. If you are a business or organization please enquire about becoming a sponsor of LopezRocks.
The content of LopezRocks is contributed 100% by the users of the service in an interactive, dynamic and real-time manner. Its success therefore depends 100% on the quantity and quality of this content and the respect by all users for the terms and conditions of use.